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tire value: attn gurus


I'm looking to put some "real" (ie, not Golf-sized) tires on my 4kq. I
understand that 6x15 rims from a 5k will fit, as will 6x16 rims from an
aftermarket source. I think I'd like to use the D40 (yo Eric!), which isn't
available in my 16-inch size.

Item                   Cost
4-6x15 Ronals          $100-$150
4-205-50-15 D40        $412 + shipping

4-6x16 ?               $500-$1000
4-205-45-16 SP8000     $640 + shipping

Is the advantage of the 16-45 (whether SP or AVS (Pat M?) or whatever) going to
be that great over the 15-50 D40? Worth $1000???? I'd love some 5-spoke wheels
to match my 5-pot engine, but I also like the stealth of the "stock" Ronal 15s
and the chance to spend a grand on a vertical mill or some new springs/struts.

Opinions please with plenty of tia,

James Marriott (603)483-8587 Auburn, NH
'64 Falcon Sprint Convertible, B&B 260 V-8 and CR 4-spd.
    GOES great. Stopping?!? 217k
'86 4000S wife's commuter (heated seats), 32 mpg, 100k ++ ?
'87 4000CSQ H-stock und daily driver, Hakkas & :-) , 140k