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MB vs RR

In message <Pine.SUN.3.91.970125171626.1488A-100000@marjoram.compnews.co.uk> Mike writes:

> If you sit and drive/ride in both cars, it is easy to notice that the 20V 
> is the faster car, so the only place you are going to keep up with a 20V 
> in a 10V is on a twisty road with not many straights?

Perhaps.  147kw fights 162kw - a bit uneven?  The torque picture is not so 
uneven, but is 10% more power worth 60% more money?  The engine (and the 
ventilated rear discs) is about the only difference.  Would you want an engine 
that makes you remove the inlet manifold to get to the distributor?

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club