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Re: '92 S$ in Phoenix

>As I was sitting in the Phoenix airport this morning dreading having to 
>come back to cold and snowy Wisconsin, I saw the following ad in the 
>Arizona Republican:

It's the Arizona Republic, actually ... but "Republican" would certainly be
an apt description of its political orientation.

>92 Audi s4, black/black, 5spd, turbo, all factory options, 50k miles, 
>ext. warranty; 24,000  391-1300.

The area code is (602) ... btw, this car first appeared for sale at $26,900
a month ago so I imagine there is a bit of room for negotiating.  I wonder
if they'd consider taking an '89 200q or '85 Ur-Q in partial trade?  ;^)

Although my schedule is pretty hectic this next week, I'll be happy to take
a look at the car and/or arrange to have an independent Audi specialist give
it the once-over ... just let me know.
     _                _
    / |      _| o    | \       _| o     Jeffrey Goggin
   /__| | | / | | __ |  | | | / | |     audidudi@delphi.com
  /   | |_| \_| |    |_/  |_| \_| |     http://people.delphi.com/audidudi