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How to set idle on '87 5KCSTQ (Long)
OK, I got the Bentley manual on my car, and I'm STILL uncertain
what that screw, needle valve adjustment or whatever it is on the
front of the intake manifold is called! (Idle speed adjuster?)
I do know it greatly affects the idle speed of the car when I turn
it. I've done this with the green terminal wire on the coil
Is there a way I can correctly set the idle speed with this screw
without needing to disconnect crankcase breather hoses and owning
the VW 1367 tester Bentley talks about? Anyone know how many
approximate turns this screw should be set at?
I know it is not set correctly now because ever since I began
messing with it (mistake) I've lost performance when I stomp the
I also occasionally get idle speed variation when at a stop light
from 1000 to 3000 rpm, other times idle climbs to 3K rpm and stays
there. Doesn't happen all the time, though. (Idle stabilization
Other than these minor and intermittent irritations, the car runs
Any suggestions/comments appreciated.
'87 5KCSTQ 121k miles
Kurt Wesseling
Technical Support Center
The Education Network of Maine