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RE: 210's vs Hoka NRW's

Leah Mueller <muellerl@cadvision.com> said on
 Mon, 27 Jan 1997 13:34:11 -0600:

     Dear Steve,
     Look forward to more of your thoughs regarding snow tire comparrisons. Have
     you OR any another Audiknights had experience with the Yoko Guardex 600 and
     the incorporation of the nylon stud like material. Do they stick good?  How
     do they compare with the other studless tech?
     David in cold Canada with Yoko true snows

On the basis of favorable comments from listers in Colorado, I bought a set of 
Guardex 600s for my 1988 90q.  We have had little snow here in southern New 
Hampshire USA since I bought them, but the other night about an inch had fallen 
before I drove home from work.  The usual creepy crawlies occupied the highway, 
but several opportunities to pass presented themselves.  The tires handled 
superbly at passing speeds (probably 60 but I didn't look).  I also could 
accelerate normally from stoplights, confounding most everyone else.  Braking 
and low speed turns were great (though not quite the same as wet asphalt).  I 
laughed maniacally all the way home!  Wear seems to be imperceptible so far (a 
few thousand miles).  As these are my first snow tires on this recently acquired
car, I cannot provide a comparison to other tires.

I think the material embedded in the rubber is fiberglass, not nylon, but I only
remember that from an ad on some web site.

***                 ...Kirby    (Kirby A. Smith)                 ***
***              ksmith1@mailgw.sanders.lockheed.com             ***
***              [=]   kirby.a.smith@lmco.com                    ***
***  Opinions expressed herein are entirely those of the author. ***