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RS2 Stuff

In message <c=US%a=_%p=CHARTER%l=FREEDOM-970128222213Z-5556@freedom.charter.com> "Duff, Ian" writes:

> Perhaps not, from the viewpoint of an ur-q owner, with the BTCC A4
> nearby. Change focus a little. Imagine you just found out about the
> existence of the S1. Now would you be drooling? I am green with envy.
> The BTCC A4, tons of ur-qs, some S1s, and an RS2? My CQ would have
> tiptoed around, blushing and mooning over the RS2.

Well, remember that next year (i.e., this year) we're arranging infield tickets 
for members' cars.

The members' car park was fun, last year.  We arranged room for 30 ur-quattros, 
but were a little over-sub$cribed.

You can't get away with blocking the entrance to the car park with your car, 
though, if it's one of the two canary yellow quattros known to exist, and one 
of the 30 cars you're blocking in is the other one!

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club