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Re: A4 1.8T purchase questions/jacquard satin


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Subject: A4 1.8T purchase questions/jacquard satin
Author:  ROBGoldie@aol.com at Internet
Date:    1/30/97 9:21 AM

I am on the verge of ordering a 1.8T manual and am trying to decide what 
options I should order.  While I would really like to have my those beautiful 
16" 5 spoke wheels, they are apparently only available with the sport 
 Unfortunately, the sport package adds an extra $1000 and I have to live with
jacquard satin upholstery.  To my eyes, the standard velour looks much 
classier and feels more durable.  Also, the stitching on the car I looked at 
with satin seemed to be sloppier than on the velour or leatherette. 

The PSP package is well worth the money.  It alsoo includes the sport seats 
which are much better for spirited driving and long trips.

 So, does anyone know if it is possible to order the wheels as a standalone 
option? I was thinking of offering $200-$300 for the upgrade.  If not, can 
anyone convince me that the satin is actually durable , classy and well put 
together? : )

The cost on this option is around $800.  Check out any of the web servces on 
pricing and get the details.

 In the NY/NJ/CT area, can anyone recommend a good dealer? I was looking at
Pray in Ct which claims to be the largest Audi dealer in the U.S.  Would $500 
- $600 over invoice be  reasonable offer for this car? 

You can't even pick up a manual yet as they haven't been produced.  The least 
you will pay is around $1300-1400 over list.  That is for a car you MAY 
receive in 3 months.  Mine has been on order since the end of November.

Michael Jacobs
A4TQ manual on the way

 A Q-lister from the Bay Area mentioned a waiting list there for the 1.8, but 
I haven't heard of this here (Pray has about 15 1.8T automatics on the lot)
 I apologize for the laundry list of questions, and hope to be sharing my 
 experiences with my new A4 soon.
Thank you for your advice,
Rob Goldie