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Re: A4 Euro vs. US performance?
In a message dated 97-01-30 09:14:49 EST, you write:
<< Are the Euro 2.8Q's really more powerful and more efficient? I'm
assuming the Euro cars are equipped with catalytic converters.... What
else could account for the discrepency, other than bravado by the UK
Audi rep? >>
1) The U.S. spec cars are heavier - and therefore accellerate more slowly -
due to higher equiment and option content.
2) The fuel economy in the U.K. is likely quoted in Imperial gallons (the
kind with about 5 U.S. quarts). This accounts for "higher" fuel economy.
You'd get more miles out of a 5 quart gallon as well.
3) The U.S. cars are electronically limited as to top speed due to the "H"
speed rating all-season tires fitted for this market. Without the
restriction, a U.S. car would be as capable as a comparably equipped U.K.