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Re: 5ks power mirrors

Cello and Lisa Souza wrote:

> Here's what I can tell you:
> -passanger door mirror was damaged and has been replaced.
> -drivers door disassembles to repair window regulator.
> -dash removed and replaced to repair climate control system.
> -drivers door mirror was working prior to doing the above.
> Now, neither mirror works.

Typical. Wellcome to the crowd.

> The wiring in the doors looks good.  Fuse is
> fine, since the
> power locks work, and the Bentley doesn't show a relay.  The Bentley does
> mention a 7-point
> connector, labled as "T7" and states it's behind the instrument cluster,
> though for some
> reason I cannot find it.  Does anyone know exactly where it is?  What color
> is the connector?

All the way in the lower left corner, under the torpedo. Bone beige and

Check the wires in the corrugated rubber boot in the door jam. You are
likely to find wires with a very hardened insulation. Look for the
broken ones. When and if you find brakes splice them up with a length of
a new wire.

1. I usually check the multipoint connector first (according to that
famous electronic trouble shooting principle: how to catch a lion in a
desert;). If there is power - skip the underhood portion of the wiring. 

2.Pull the switch out and check the power there, both incoming and
outgoing (you have a multimeter and a Bentley, don't you?). If power is
OK here, skip the indoor portion of the wiring.

3. Take the mirror out of the housing (insert a narrow bladed flat
screwdriver into the hole in the bottom of the housing, catch a notch in
a circular cam locking ring and rotate it by prying for about 5mm.
Careful! No force is needed whatsoever. If it resists - then you are
turning it in the wrong direction!) No need to disconnect the heater
(two wires, the brown <GND> is usually corroded beyond belief. I'd
rather leave it connected). Let the mirror just hang there. Test the
motor and the reversing clutch operation, while operating the switch.

My vote - it's the broken wiring in the rubber boot. At least it was the
case with my old '85 5000s and my buddie's '87 5000s. Check the Autumn
'96 archives. Find a James Marriott's post on the subject, he had even
drawn some ASCII pictures back then. 

Igor Kessel
'89 200TQ