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Re: A4 'Programable''

> So to program the length of interval, one would move the stalk up 1
> "click" and wait for the desired length of interval to pass and then
> move 1 "click" down to the off position. The interval is now programmed
> but the wiper is not wiping, so another "click" upwards once more
> springs the wiper into action and the rest is history(wiper wipes away
> at desired interval).

1 Move wiper up to 1 
2 Move wiper back to 0 (off)
3 Wait desired time.
4 Move wiper arm up to 1 and leave it there until you want to change the
  interval, at which time go to step 2.

This must be a german car thing.  My '95 325i (that I just sold) operated
this way.  
