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Re: Clunks

Al Powell wrote:
> The ONLY vibration I
> could feel was on the RIGHT lower control arm.  It seemed to be
> stronger toward the inner side of the arm, near the inner bushing.  I
> could detect no noise or leakage from either front shock.

Worn front ball joints.In order to test them you need to hang out the
front wheel AND to load it from underneath, therefore unloading the ball

> 3)  At least part of the problem **MUST BE** inner control arm
> bushings, as spraying them did produce an audible change.
> 4)  I might as well go ahead and have the control arm bushings
> changed; while I'm at it, I will have the outer sway bar bushings
> changed, as they must come off anyway.

Once you are at it, replace the whole control arm (both of them). The
ball joint comes with a control arm as an assy. Also, there is a 50%
chance that your mechanic will tear at least one ball joint boot, while
trying to remove the ball joint from the strut. In this case
you_will_have to replace the ball joint. My advice, before you start
tearing the suspension apart, make sure that you have both replacement
lower control arms handy.
Betcha, when you yank the ball joints outta struts you are likely to see
some substanchial play in their sockets. BTDT on various cars.

Igor Kessel
'89 200TQ