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Re: Spring and jealousy

At 05:56 AM 03/02/97 -0500, you wrote:


> Past the dealer, I realize I had just caught
>glimpses of ALL THREE of the German roadsters in under a mile!
>				Allan 

Hmm... I think that Cart & Drivel (or is it Automobile? or some other auto
"rag".. oh heck, it doesn't matter, they all do the same cover story each
month... ever notice that?) is running a cover story on this three-car
comparo. Perhaps you witnessed it in action? Do you live anywhere near where
the auto journalists publish? Just thinking... 'cuz it is definitely odd
that you saw all three like that...

                             Jim Griffin
                        Maryland, USA
   "Perception is often stronger than reality!"
                               '92 100S