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Re: Another CB victory

At 12:07 PM 03/02/97 EST, you wrote:
>Just a thought on range vs 'tenna length vs mounting style...
>Are all you guys setting up SWR the same way?  That's one sure
>way to change your xmit range:  if you don't match the 'tenna, you
>absorb a lot of the power that should be radiated.
>Comments Igor, Dan, Jim...
>--Gary ('86's: 5ks&5ktq)

Yep, mine is perfectly matched. I bought a Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) meter
from Radio Shack for $20 so that I could tune the antenna correctly. I've
got mine tuned to just about 1.0 on Channel 19 (where I always leave it...).
FYI to all... 1.0 is the best you can get....

I completely agree. You MUST tune the antenna with the SWR meter, otherwise
you're losing efficiency. I suggest that anyone who hasn't, should do it.
You'll notice a difference...

I also found that a good ground is necessary. Without a good ground, the SWR
is greatly affected. That's why I ultimately went to a trunk mount (that
mounts on the trunk lip) that can get correctly grounded. The magnetic
mounts and glass-mounts do not properly ground, thereby causing alternator
and fuel pump noise/whine, and as well, do not offer as great an SWR. Trust
me... I've BTDT!!

Also, the magnetic mounts scratch the sh*t out of the paint... I know, I've
BTDT!! :-(

There is a lot of good info out in the rec.radio.cb newsgroup. I lurked
there for a while to learn all I needed to get up and running correctly.

Any other questions, feel free to e-mail me.
                             Jim Griffin
                        Maryland, USA
   "Perception is often stronger than reality!"
                               '92 100S