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climate control box

I've been fiddling with the climate control box on my 86 5000S - I found
that the round plastic vacuum manifold inside had split open because some
oil had gotten on the rubber diaphragm, which swelled, and popped the halves
apart - removed, cleaned, J-B welded shut - no leaks, but still the dash
vents won't blow. Everything blows out the defrost ducts. Also, replaced the
vacuum module on the airbox trap door (talk about a miserable, inaccessable
little task!) and no motion there. The problem seems to be a vacuum
distribution defect . . . all these gadgets move when pushed by hand.

Anyone have the diagnostic procedures for these things? I can R&R the box,
the temp control motor and gears work properly (temp cable moves back and
forth when temp is adjusted, fan blows, heat and A/C working, just the air
distribution system is not right - solenoids and electronics! Weak points?
Checked for cold solder joints, didn't find any, nothing burnt, busted or
otherwise obvious.

Any help??

Best Regards,

Mike Arman