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Another CB Victory

From: Allan Jones <ampj@tiac.net>
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 1997 04:29:56 -0500
Subject: Re: Another CB victory

> Is there a reason other than aesthetics for "stealthing" a CB in the USA?

	Well, I thought they were extremely out-of-style, out of date, useless,
and used only by fat and drunk backwoods hill-billys, truckers, gun
owners, backward ass losers, and people who couldn't afford cell phones.
Therefore the "stealthing,"..a means of not associating oneself with a
certain crowd. Guess I was wrong, AGAIN! At least about the typical
user...I could very well be right however about the reason behind
stealthing, since a lot of people I know wouldn't be caught dead with
one mounted in their precious car. I had no idea normal
car-driving(especially AUDI owners) people were still using CBs.

Allan - 

Yew gonna die, boy! ;-)

I had no idea that buying an innocuous electronic device for $39.95 at my
local Radio Shlock would allow me to join such an august, distinguished company!

There are several reasons to "stealth" a CB here in the US of A.

1. If no one knows it's there, they won't break into your car (doing $$$$$
damage) to steal it (worth $40).

2. Police sometimes get an attitude - "Aha, a cheater, trying to get away
with something!" and makes SURE you get a ticket.

3. Not anxious to have the dashboard cluttered up with electronic junk - and
I'll tell you how bad it can get - I have a Sanyo CD-Player that
honest-to-the-Audi-gods has more controls on it than the panel of my Cessna!

4. There are more than a few rural areas in the US that don't have cell
service, although that is improving greatly.

(And incidentally, the goddam cell phone costs money even if you don't say
word number one.)

Oh, yeah, when the contract on my Motorola cell phone expires, I'm going to
put it in my Audi, carefully place my politically incorrect third-world
manufactured assault rifle in the trunk of the same Audi, drive out to the
local rifle range, and blast that cell phone to utter oblivion - enjoying
every shot! Boom! Boom! (If you gather that I despise Bell-South Mobility,
well that's like saying the sun is rather large and quite warm.)

Otherwise sane and reasonably normal Audi owner,

Mike Arman