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Re: CBs -> SW transcievers?

You can talk a to a person a mile away. Any good SW trans. operates 
in the CB BW, but the with FCC license you can use more power. Also, a 
radio-type  antenna is quite sufficient for around-the-globe purposes. 
I'm not even speaking about 10 mile radius.


On Mon, 3 Mar 1997, Lee Levitt wrote:

> At 03:18 PM 3/3/97 -0600, Alexei M Voloshin wrote:
> >Short wave transcievers anyone?? FCC licence is really easy to get and 
> >you can communicate around the globe from your car.
> Um, why? I've always wondered about this...I want to know what's going on
> in the next mile, not in East Nowhere. 
> OTOH, those big antennas sure do look sporty ;-)
> Lee
> Lee Levitt, mailto:wheelman@shore.net
> Director, Business Development, Software.com - http://www.Software.com
> webmaster, NeedhamOnline - http://www.NeedhamOnline.com
> and Bicycle Classics, Inc. - http://www.BicycleClassics.com
> 1990 Audi 200T, 75K
> 1995 Range Rover County LWB, 45K, member Bay State Rovers
> 1987 Wicked Fat Chance, 1981 Condor