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Re: AudiFest '97: Caravan from N California, Nevada, Oregon ...

>Go east young quattro fans ... :-)
>I am coordinating the trek from Northern California and Nevada, possibly 
>some of Oregon as well ... to Audi Fest '97 at Pikes Peak on the Fourth 
>of July this year.  If anyone is interested in attending feel free to 
>contact me via direct e-mail.  
>Steve Buchholz
>San Jose, CA (USA)

Where exactly are the festivities?  I want to find out where to stay,
etc...  I am coming from Texas so not much chance of tagging along with you
guys!  Maybe some people are coming from my area.

Anyone planning on going from Texas, OK, NM???  Want to caravan?

____________________________ _______ _____ ____ ___
Rob Nance      - nance@flex.net
1986 Audi 4000s - K&N, exhaust, springs, and more..

Divine Systems - http://www.flex.net/Divine/Systems
Home Page      - http://www.flex.net/RobNance/Start