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Re: Audi models

In a note dated 3/3/97 Jon asks:

<<The difference between a 4KCSq and a Coupe GT?  Both are 87's, both are
going for roughly $3500.  Which would you buy?>>

The differences are quattro (nuf said) and appearances (the GT probably has
the 4kq four door there...). The motors are the same, the chassis' are
(pretty much) the same, the biggest difference is quattro. Both cars cost
about the same new so about the same used is reasonable. Obviously Audi felt
these cars had their own individual merits as they sold both side by side for
some time when new. The Coupe GT is a wonderful car...I owned an '86 and it
was the only fwd car I have ever owned, and I loved it! However, as many of
you know, I am a quattro fanatic and therefore feel that the quattro system
along with the independent rear suspension makes the four door sedan handle
in another league altogether beyond the Coupe (nomex very much ON). The Coupe
looks nicer (very subjective...but I love the ur-q and the Coupe GT looks
simular), and will bring big smiles to it's driver too. Aside from appearence
and quattro (and of course 2 extra doors...which isn't such a bad thing if
you have kids) these cars are very simular in most other respects.

The real question is which to buy for the same price? If condition is exactly
the same I would take the 4kq hands down-not even a question to me...if the
4kq were rough or iffy and the GT were nice? hmmm, depends on how much I
could afford to bring the 4kq back up to snuff. Of course I'm biased having
owned 3 4kq's and truly think they are one of Audi's great all-time creations
sooo...Oh, and another thing...late model '87 Coupe GT's had the 130hp motor
of the 80/90 series which is 15hp more than the 4kq. When I bought my first
q, it was a new '87 4kcsq and Coupe GT's were going for far less money
(prices reduced, msrp was about the same) and the GT wasn't even a
consideration...back then used Coupe GT's could be had for far less than a
4kq and it is only now that both have reached near rock bottom that prices
are about equal again.

Either way Jon, you will get a wonderful car that will bring you many miles
with smiles for not much money!

Mike Veglia
85 4ksq wouldn't give it up for any Coupe 'cept a ur-q!...well maybe Mike
Tipton's ;-)