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Re: english cars

>In message
><Pine.A41.3.95b.970304133730.80150C-100000@homer14.u.washington.edu> Jon
>Blake writes:
>> Ah yes, but did it have Lucas, Prince of Darkness electrics? That afterall
>> is the sine qua non of the British sports cars' reputation of
>> "reliability".  :*) - jon
>From an Audi enthusiast?
>Pot - meet kettle.  Kettle - meet pot.  Audi electrics are nothing special.
>I worked with some Lucas people on alternator design (I made the wire) during
>the late 1960s and the products they were building were good.  They certainly
>cut no corners in their specifications for windong wire - they were as
>tight as
>the old GPO.

        I guess I'd have to agree with you as far as alternators, coils and
the like, but their switches and connectors are the worst I've ever
encountered. Hmmm, was one group responsible for parts with windings in
them, do you suppose?  Their stupid bullet & sleeve connectors alone
probably account for 80% of the dead Brit machines.


      Peter Kieselbach                       ... the look in his eye
      Pharmacopeia, Inc                     seemed to say to the sky
      101 College Road East                 "how to amuse them today?"
      Princeton, NJ  08540
      (609) 452-3788 (phone)
      (908) 422-0156 (fax)
