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Door Handles

Misc. members wrote...

> > >Has anyone else out there had as much trouble with 5000 series doorhandles
> > >as I have? My old 87 5000 TQ wagon took 3 replacement handles, and my 86 TQ
> > >sedan has had 2, and needs a third. 

> > I've replaced 3 on my 83 4ks and 2 more are about to go.  It just happens.
> > Try a used parts yard.  Think I paid $15-25 for my door handles.  Welcome to
> > the world of sacrifices to the Audi gods.

> Yes, the dreaded Audi door trigger.  I had both go in my Coupe.  The
> passenger first and the bad part is I waited (my fault) till the driver
> side went and that was a real problem.  Had a string rigged to open the
> door from inside latch.  

The solution - I say again - as I say every two or three months - is 

Take the door panels off and lubricate EVERY pivot point in the door 
lock mechanism.  The fault, especially in the 5K series, is excessive 
friction from the lock mechanism, because the door handles move the 
complete assembly.  

Use white lithium grease in a spray can, and go to it.  Afterward, 
you will be able to trigger the handle release with about half the 
force needed before.  This DOES work.

TOTAL cost: $5 for a can of lithium grease w/nozzle, 1 hour of your 

> Was forced to buy the driver one from the dealer and junk yard for the
> second.  Audi Only sells a kit to repair the triggers cheap dont
> remember how much.  I am buying it to do the two rears in my 4kq. 
> European Car says it works well have to go by that.  Let the group know
> how it goes.

Al Powell, Ph.D.                 Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      