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Ambulance Bumper Cars

Dirk Dalton <dalton@mail.discover-net.net> said:
> Also:  my brother had a mishap with his 86' 5KS last week...  An ambulance
> hit head on into his passenger side going 45 mph!  Threw the audi some ~20
> feet where it hit a telephone pole about 4 feet above the ground.  The car
> slid down and he walked out and preceded to yell at them for not having on
> their sirens (lights were on though).  Went and looked at the vehicle the
> other day, and I am _very_ impressed.  Not too many cars would (could)
> sacrifice themselves like this for the safety of the driver.  

Dick - glad to hear your brother is OK.  What about the folks in the 
ambulance??  Hope they are, too.

May I also mention that your (somewhat cursory) description 
of the collision suggests that on this occasion, your brother was suffering 
from a serious "attention deficit"?  I hope the experience resulted in no 
injuries to anyone - AND to his becoming somewhat more alert.  Pretty 
tough to find an excuse for this unless the ambulance driver was 
doing something more stupid than using no siren.

OTOH, emergency vehicles are still responsible for driving safely.  
May have been fault on both sides.....

Al Powell, Ph.D.                 Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      