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Re: Audi 5000 doorhandles

-- [ From: Huw Powell * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

>Has anyone else out there had as much trouble with 5000 series doorhandles
as I have? 

I think that is the "most reliable" weak link on Audis.  They finally
changed it after using it on a billion VW's, Audis, and Porsches.  The VW
handles are cheaper (about $40) but nobody will commit to telling you they
fit.  Whne you replace them do you save your old lock cylinder and put it in
the new handle so you can use just one key?  You should.  In fact, the last
time I did this on my coupe, I went through my collection of new pins and
installed all new pins in the cylinder to replace the very worn ones that
were in there.

I know of no way to promote longevity on these things, the only thought I
have is to squeeze the lever before pulling on the handle - but do I do that
?  Who knows.  Also be gentle when it's very (below 20 dF) cold...

My first Audi could only be entered from the right rear door when I got it. 

Huw Powell
HUMAN Speakers

Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from science....
