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Re: A4 B pillar rattle
Took the wife's A4q 2.8 in for the 7500/6mo service yesterday.
Gave them a list of nags, nothing major:
- Fix B pillar rattle
- Replace wiper blades
- Use my own Mobil1 10w30 on the oil and filter change (did an O&F
change at 3mo myself)
- Mileage averages about 16/17 overall.
Just heard from the dealer (Laurel Audi in Westmont Il.) that they
fixed the B pillar rattle. They said they just had to adjust the driver
door and seal? Does this jibe with what anyone else has been told?
Said mileage would improve with further engine break-in (only got 4100
miles on it). Has anyone else any experience on this front?
Otherwise, what a great car.....!!!
P.S. Took a look at the A8 4.2q with the wife and wanted to test
drive it (the salesman was very insistent and, of course, I didnt
resist a whit!!)
She dragged me out of there and said "How could you consider
giving up your beloved Supra for a sedan".
I said "For this sedan, I would almost consider giving up sex!!!!"