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RE: Ur-quattro-meaning of?

I'll jump in here because of an ongoing dispute with my mechanic buddy.
First Ur sort of translates to original  - "urQ" = original quattro.
 My mechanic (Audi mechanic sense he left Dearborn 20 years ago) insists
that there is only one "Quattro" and that is the urQ. All other Audis
have the "quattro system".  So her refers to the Quattro and he calls
all other Audis as they are badged.
I am certainly open to other input on this.

Anton J. Gaidos, III
PC Design
Motorola Computer Group
"The fortunate man knows how much he can safely leave to chance"

>From: 	Tony Lum[SMTP:tlum@ascor-inc.com]
>Sent: 	Thursday, March 06, 1997 12:23 PM
>To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 	Ur-quattro-meaning of?
>Hi all,
>Could someone enlighten this ignorant one on the meaning of Ur as in
>BTW, the 4kcsq is back in the shop having the clutch hydraulics
>done-thanks everyone for the helpful advice.
>'85 4kcsq
>'80 5ks
>Tony Lum			mailto:tlum@ascor-inc.com
>Systems Administrator		Ascor, Inc.