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RE: Names

Poor guy. Even though he built a small empire in the "sanitary industry"
he lives on simply as a
profanity. Crap!

Anton J. Gaidos, III
PC Design
Motorola Computer Group
"The fortunate man knows how much he can safely leave to chance"

>From: 	quk@sievers.com[SMTP:quk@sievers.com]
>Sent: 	Friday, March 07, 1997 9:01 AM
>To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 	Names
>In message <9703071628.AA16672@nj2.n-jcenter.com> Mike Arman writes:
>> Some years ago I was teaching at a vocational school, and was reading the
>> roll sheet for the first day of classes - came to - ready - "Basil
>> Crapster" Gotta be a joke, I thought, called the name, voice responded
>> "Here!" Moment of stunned silence - NOBODY could be named that! - then he
>> said "Just call me shitty!"
>The word, of course, derives from the name of Queen Victoria's plumber, one 
>"Thomas Crapper":
>  "By Royal Appointment to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Sanitary Engineers"
>In the late nineteenth century, "going to the Crapper" was the equivalent of 
>today's "going to the restroom".  Original "Crappers" survive in Windsor 
>Castle, Balmoral and a few London hotels (including, I believe, Brown's).
> Phil Payne
> phil@sievers.com
> Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club