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Re: vendors
Message text written by INTERNET:owner-quattro-digest@coimbra.ans.net
>In a nutshell, Scott is worried about treading the thin line
between vendor and lister. I hate to, once again, have to make
a policy, but, just off the top of my head, I see no reason why
a vendor (esp. an individual like Scott as opposed to someone
like a parts supplier) can't participate based on his
experience. <
i don't see why there is such a percieved problem with contributing
list members mentioning that they can provide 'other' services to
help out listers. ocassionally i cruise the talon digest archives and
there are obvious vendors who contribute great tech info, and let
other listers know when they have a new product or mod available.
scott has given a great amount of info out on kkk turbos that i have
never seen before, published or on any list. i hope this can continue.
dave lawson
83 ur-q, green, #072
86 gt, graphite