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Audi gods gave me back my sunroof!

I guess my '86 Audi 4k is happy since I have been washing and waxing on a
daily basis and gave it some new racing pedal.  In return it gave me my
sunroof back!  My sunroof had jammed over a year ago and I had lost all
hope after messing with it for a while.  Well, it was such a nice day today
so I figured I would take the panel off and manually open it with an allen
wrench.  Much to my surprise I figured out was wrong and had it working in
under a minute.  I couldn't be happier having the car working perfectly and
running great.

Just thought I would share my enjoyment of the Audi gods gift.

____________________________ _______ _____ ____ ___
Rob Nance      - nance@flex.net
1986 Audi 4000s - K&N, exhaust, springs, and more..

Divine Systems - http://www.flex.net/Divine/Systems
Home Page      - http://www.flex.net/RobNance/Start