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Re: RS2 colors

WARATAP@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 97-03-06 18:49:42 EST, ampj@tiac.net (Allan Jones) writes:
> <<
>         Before anyone jumps on my back, I want to fix what I think is a mistake
>  on my part. The RS2s only came in BLUE, right? Correct me if I'm wrong.>>
> Sorry.  They also came in Red also.  Saw one in Austria in January.  Maybe
> post it to my web site, when I get one.  VEERY nice!
>         <<If they did only come in that color, then it was simply a case of
>  emotion overtaking reason. Whatever...the point I was trying to make had
>  nothing to do colors
>                                                 Allan>>
> That's O.K.
> -Ingo Rautenberg
> 90 V8Q 163k+
> 85 4KQ 130k

Hey guys, I've seen it in pearl also...

Todd Candey                         The Composite Garage
271A Greenboro Ct.                       81 4k 5+5    
Elk Grove Village, IL                        85 4ksq
60007               USA                          89 90q