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Re: Audio, no audi content

e6941tb@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> James Fawcett wrote:

> >  Also, I
> > am sort of familiar with Denon and Clarion, but do you guys and gals know
> > anything about them that I should know?  What are your opinions?
> Dennon (Japanese) is outstanding. I have installed a lot of them and
> none failed to live up to it's reputation. Also, Denon's illumination is
> red, which will match your torpedo illumination. Denon also includes
> green and blue replacement silicon "condoms" for the light bulbs, so you
> can leter change the dial colour if you ever decide to become unfaithful
> to Audi. I also have a full professional Denon rack at home (2 non
> reveresible, single tape drive, 3 head, 3 motor decks + CD and LP
> players + a huge amp with the liquid cooling of the output stages, this
> kind of stuff). If you can afford to put a Denon sys in your car, go for
> it, you won't be disappointed.
I, too must say that I am insanely giddy about my Denon car audio. I managed to 
get their best CD head unit with a 10-disc changer for REEAL cheap (no asbestos 
gloves, either). I thought my speakers were faulty, previously, but when I 
installed it, I was flat amazed at the sound.. The only drawback, and yes, it 
does irk me, is that I don't think I can switch my green illumination. I think 
the old Denon stuff was red, and the change was recent.
I've got the DCT-950R. If anyone knows how to go from green to red, please let me 
know. Also, since the front speaker grilles look to be riveted on, should I just 
pop them off with force, or is there a better way (86 5ks no t no q)?

--Ted Harlan