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Bypass Audi 5000T boost

About half a year ago I learned from Audi mailing list there's
an easy way to boost my 1987 Audi 5000 Turbo power by only
changing a spring in turbo's gate (pressure from 1.3 to 1.9) 
and somehow hacking chip's code to get gas pump pressure upper.
Actually something around 1.6-1.7 would be enough for me.

This car has WC engine (160hp) with watercooled turbo. 

Now I'm on my way from Finland to Los Angeles next month and would 
like to find this gate spring somewhere from that area, and also a 
chip or some help how to hack it (I have a eeprom prommer).

Or, is there another way? At that time Orin wrote:
'I'm still working on decoding the MAC11B.  A boost upgrade may 
 well be as simple as reprogramming the table which activates the 
 wastegate solenoid.'

Help is really appreciated!

parhain terveisin
with best regards,


TERTON Telecommunications /  Kinotron Oy
Malminkaari 9 C, 00700 Helsinki, Finland
tel. +358-(0)9-4780 8400, fax. 4780 8448