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engine ticking noise at 1800-3200 rpm

MODELS 4000(eng.code MG W/auto.trans)1985-1987 m.y.
       80/90(eng.code 3A w/auto.trans)1988-06/90 m.y.
CONDITION:minor metalic ticking noise in engines between 1800-3200 cause
by desing tolerances of piston pins/connecting rod bearing 
SERVISE SOLUTION:replace original solid drive plate with two-piece
flexible drive plate.
DESCRIPTION               part #              QUANTITY  
two-piece flexible        053-105-323-G          1
drive plate               
4.0mm spacer              053-105-301-A          1
1.0mm shoms               056-105-303            2 
torque converter
bolt                      087-323-699            3
locking compound          D-000-600              1