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AcceleroMETER on U.S. 5000s?

While trying to find out why there is an unconnected pair of wires (black,
black/blue) coming off my ABS controller (87 5ksctq), Phil Payne informed me
of a device present (described below) on ur-quats that also seem present on
Euro 5ks. I'm wondering if this device is deleted from U.S. models, or is
mine missing?

Phil writes:
<<<Interesting.  Are you sure it's black and black/blue, and not black/green
black/blue?  The green trace on black is sometimes hard to see ...
 Anyway, it sounds like the connection for an accelerometer.  They're
standard on ur-quattros from the MB onwards, but I didn't realise they were
fitted to 5kcstqs.  (Since this post he has confirmed it on friends 5kcstq)
Anyway, pins 11 and 16 on the ABS controller are connected during normal
driving and disconnected during heavy braking.  It's a simple mercury switch
that responds to heavy "G" in the direction of travel.
And, BTW, that's _exactly_ where it's sited on the ur-quattro.  Under the 
back seat, parallel to the battery.  Little black box a couple of inches

On my 87 5ksctq the wires run under the metal lip of the floorboard where the
bottom front edge of the rear seat rests, runs toward the battery, and ends
about 8 inches from it. The dangling right angle, rubber connector has a
metal "U" shaped locking clip incorporated into it. There is no bridge on the
open contacts. Anyone else have/not have this?

  ([____]=====OOOO=====[____])   87 5kcsTQ, 200k miles
 []]]]]]]][Mike Aiello][[[[[[[]     original owner
       Dutchess County, NY