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Worth repeating-antenna fix-$30

Thanks to info originally posted by >markh@clark.net< I just replaced the
mast on my motorized antenna for $30 (+$3 ship) in about 2 hrs(instructions
included). The source is:
Their product list is extensive. Raul's post to my inquiry, is below.

  ([____]=====OOOO=====[____])   87 5kcsTQ, 200k miles
 []]]]]]]][Mike Aiello][[[[[[[]     original owner
       Dutchess County, NY

Raul's post to me:
>>>Hi, and thanks for writing.  I know the innards of your antenna well after
working on dozens over the last 7 years. You either have a broken "drive"
nylon rod which pushes the telescope up and down. or (2) you have a totally
worn or broken "mid" gear. The Mid goes between the motor and the large drive
wheel with the internal toothed gear. The mid is  a small metal grey color
part with a screw on one end. If it is intact, then it must be wobbly. If so
you have to replace the whole chassis of the antenna. The chassis is a large
white nylon thing holding all things inside.

I have all the parts for you or I can handle it here. If it is just the mast
then you can do it if you can do some things of this type. Antenna must be
uncovered after removeal from car. For the rest you can send it here. Flat
fee to put in new or refurb parts is $50 plus $4 aprox UPS back in the 48
states. You get a 2 yr warr and "as good as new" unit.

If you want me to replace the mast it is the $30 plus $10 labor and UPS.

A new antenna complete is $150. But fix yours, no need to buy new!

I hope this helps you,    Regards  Raul