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Re: busted

Just how legal and safe is it??
They do it around Twin Cities as well. Wait on the ramp with no lights as 
you come by, then accelerate down the ramp still with no lights -> get 
behind you and zap you... I love it when the're just about get on the 
highway and you suddenly slow down and get into the right line... then 
slow down and salute them as they pass...  :-)   Have a nice night <OFFICER>.


On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, Dan Simoes wrote:

> > Are you saying that he was driving with absolutely no lights for a while 
> > at night?? Then he zapps you and then he turns on his headlights?
> That's what I'm saying.  The only reason he didn't go after the
> other (faster) guy instead was probably that he would have
> had to pass me in the dark sans lights (dangerous) or turn
> on the lights to safely pass me, which would have alerted
> the other driver.
> Toldya he was slick...
> | Dan |