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Re: Help..Need PAGID Source

I did some looking in "European Car" and the Porsche Club magazine;
don't know how many of below carry Audi parts:

EDI Sportline   718/433-2148 (spec. in Hi Perf & race tuning for 
                      European cars)
R + A Applied Arts      201/933-8833
TAP   352/628-2834    http://www.TAP1.com
Fred Baker Porsche Audi 1-800-584-4707  
Dave Turner Motorsports  619/571-3811
GPR  800-321-5432        http://www.gprparts.com
Paragon Products, Inc.  512/289-8834
Windward Performance Products   802/387-4509
OG Racing      703/257-0009  

Ray Calvo (porsray@aol.com)
1990 Coupe Quattro

In a message dated 97-03-10 11:02:25 EST, you write:

 Hi Folks,
 I'm having a tough time finding the PAGID pads I'd like for my 90- 90Q20v.
 I want the yellows.  I've been told  that HOPPEN's latest shipment only 
 had one's for Porsche.
      If anyone's got a source for these I would be very grateful for the
 appropriate steerage.
                TIA_______Paul Royal