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VDO problems

I sent my speedo to VDO about two weeks ago for a recalibration and a 
replacement of the hair spring. Well, it turns out that they found a 
bunch of broken stuff on it (supposedly) and want to hit me for $85.00 
everything included. I don't mind paying the extra $$ because I know 
that it will be calibrated correctly and that (proper calibration) is 
VERY important to me.

But here's the trick: the service representative I talked to seemed not 
too bright. I asked her what the OEM tire size was on my 5k. She said 
that she had no idea. I asked her how she could calibrate it, then. she 
said that they had a chart. "Without tire sizes?" "Yes. We adjust the 
ratio." "What ratio (knowing full well, I asked)?" "The speedometer 
ratio." Uggh...

So, just to be sure, I called a few dealers and the Tire Rack. They all 
stated that my car came with 185s. I am running 195s now (bought it 
used). Obviously, the calibration will be wrong. I fear that I will 
explain it to this woman, who will tell me that they will fix it, and 
then ship the thing as is (unadjusted).

1. Will it be difficult for them to make that adjustment? they ARE VDO. 
But they suck at inspiring confidence.
2. Should I tell them to screw themseves, buy a used one, and take it to 
a local place for calibration (with a dyno, while the speedo is in the 
car)? I'd imagine that would cost me a total of $100 or more.
3. Should I try to go over her head?
4. Is the milepost/stopwatch method of calibration measurement accurate 
on an Ohio Interstate?
5. How far off will it be if calibrated for 185s
6. In a nutshell, someone _please_ tell me what you would do.

I'm not gonna drop the better part of $100 for a tool that doesn't even 
work properly.

--Ted Harlan