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Re: speed governing

Phil wrote:

> ...and so on.  Even where the road is theoretically derestricted, you have 
> to watch traffic and above all anything with Belgian plates. You're typically
Ha ha ha!!
Some things never change.
This was one of the first things I learned when I was living in Milan
in the '70s. Those Belgians were a menace. Archetypal left lane hogs,
and they would swing into the left lane at any time without (apparently)
checking their mirrors.
But those were good days, a 40 mile drive to work around the Tangenziale,
and I could easily average 100+ mph.

Chris Palmer (1995.5 S6 Wagon)              "Ashes to ashes,
Data General Corporation                     dust to dust,
Enterprise Solutions Engineering Division    If Lillee don't get yer,
chris_palmer@dg.com                          Thommo must!"