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Re: 90 Quattro Extended Warranty

I don't think I''ve put anything like $1500 US in repairs in my Audi Coupe 
in the 90,000 US miles I've put on the car since 1991 (now has 113,000
on it).  If you start counting consumables like tires, oil/filter, belts,
timing belt, brakes & rotors, then yes; upkeep prob. closer to $3000 
(not counting the $5000 repair bill when I clobbered Bambi's illegitimate 
grandchild - fortunately convered by insurance).  Unless includes tires/
brakes/belts/maintenance, I vote you keep your money.

Ray Calvo
1990 Coupe Quattro

In a message dated 97-03-13 16:52:46 EST, you write:

 From: Sean Douglas <sdouglas@phhenvironmental.com>
 Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 12:09:36 -0800
 Subject: 90 Quattro Extended Warranty
 The used car salesman is trying to talk me into an exteded warranty on
 the purchase of a used 1990 90q20v.
 Is it worth it? They have offered me two years for $1,800 CND.
 - -- 
 Sean Douglas
 Surrey, B.C.