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Re: My Quattro was doused by 40 gallons of gasoline!!!!!!
RELAYER@aol.com wrote:
> OK, I've had a bad night..........................................
> I was at the gas station filling up the Coupe Q with super unleaded and
> suddenly the gas hose burst where it mounts to the pump,,,,which is 4 feet
> above and 2 feet over from my car. SO, I find myself being showered by
> gasoline at high pressure....this is not good.
> I start screaming to the intercom for them to shut off the gas, and after not
> understanding my screaming and pointing for about 120 seconds, the attendant
> figures out that something is not right at pump #7. Then the attendant tells
> me she doesn't know where the pump cut off is (hello, OSHA, did you hear that
> one!). After searching for another 90-120 seconds, I FIND THE SWITCH! Once
> the gas was finally switched off, I seen my car SOAKING WET IN GAS, and my
> girlfriend Breeze still in the car looking puzzled at me. So, i see her sit
> in the drivers seat and try and start it (she didn't quite know what had
> happened. I started screaming: DON'T TURN ON THE CAR! Finally she heard
> me....
> For the next hour, I was at the gas station washing my car, while I was
> supposed to me at MY BIRTHDAY dinner! The fire department showed up and made
> a big deal about it all and told me I was lucky to be alive (I don't think it
> was that bad).
> NOW, the regional manager of the gas station is going to call me tomarrow,
> what should I ask for? The interior smells a little like gas, and I washed
> the hell out of the Coupe and think I saved the paint (I will know for sure
> in the morning). I will probably ask for a paint detail and a steam clean of
> the interior. What do you all think?
> THanks
> /\ _I Christian J. Long (STILL SMELLING LIKE
> / \ I_I I_I I Orlando, Florida, USA
> UCF Alumni 1994
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 1990 Coupe Quattro WITH AWFUL GAS MILAGE NOW!!
> 1990 90 Gold/Tan, 72K
> Past Audis: '80 5000T '84 Coupe GT '85 Coupe GT '87 Coupe GT 2.3
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You should also have them buy you a new set or wardrobe of clothes
(Quattro design of course), dinner and a birthday present (Happy
Birthday, by the way), dinner for your girlfriend and of course a new
set of Quattro design clothing for her, full body massages with special
oils to get all the smell out of your skin, check, make that a full day
at a spa so that you have special baths to fix your skin and make you
feel and smell better (like a normal human should smell, not like
97oct), and oh, they should at least check your oil.
Hope tomorrow is better.
Did you or I mention the full detail on your car with Zymol?
Rick H. Louie
1984 Coupe GT - Zermatt Silver, Chocolate Brown Leatherette, 124K