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RE: Reply: Aux gauges in UrQ

-----Original Message-----
From:	CHRISTOPHER BENDER [SMTP:christopher_bender@fmc.com]
Sent:	Friday, March 14, 1997 9:48 AM
To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject:	Reply: Aux gauges in UrQ

     Hello all,

     This topic is an interesting one to me, since I have a 4000Q and the
     dash arrangement is roughly the same, I believe.

     A lot of interesting suggestions have been passed back and forth, and
     unfortunately, they all seem to include making some sacrifices, like
     relocating your diff switch or losing your center air outlet.

     Here's an idea that I thought about, but never got very far with.
     Maybe some of you can help or offer some comments....

     I have heard that in Germany, where the 4000 (80) was used as a taxi,
     Audi made a available a "pod" in which to mount the taxi fair meter.
     From what I understand, it is integrated into the cover for the main
     instrument cluster (you remove that cover and replace it with this
     special one), and it hangs an extension to the right to accommodate
     this fair meter.  The fair meter is physically over the center air
     outlet in the dash.

     Anyway, I had heard that you can simply get one of those, and instead
     of putting a taxi fair meter in it, you can put make a flat panel of
     the right size, and pop a few round holes in it for some gauges.  So
     this sound like a nice way to put some extra gauges in a highly
     visible location, and the air vent and other console items remain

     The problem is, can anyone get this taxi meter housing I am talking
     about?  I have not been able to.  I asked my dad, who goes to Germany
     about once a year to visit family, to buy me one a the local Audi
     dealer.  He told me that they told him that it was no longer
     available.  Now, I don't have 100% confidence that my dad communicated 
     properly what I want.  Although he speaks perfect German, he doesn't
     speak "car" very well, and I am not sure if he understood from me what 
     I wanted.  Also, I couldn't talk him into looking at junk yards for
     me, because he said his time was limited.

     Anyway, I know there are some people from Europe on this list.  Might
     I ask that someone here ask at their local dealer about such a meter
     housing?  Or, if it is truly NLA, maybe if one finds a decommissioned
     taxi sitting in a junk yard, they might remove this piece.

     I personally put the offer on the table that I will pay for this
     housing (new or used), plus shipping, plus a little for your trouble,
     to anyone who could help me, if the total expense is not outrageously
     high.  Again, I have an 86 4000Q, and my dash is black, so I would
     like to match that.

     Well, I hope if nothing else, fellow listers will find this discussion 
     interesting.  I love the tech talk on Audis on this list, whether it
     is relevant to my car or not.

     Thanks in advance for any help, and happy motoring to all.


[Michael G. Wachholz]


I have the dash/gauge "pod" you speak of.  It is out of a 83 Ur-q. 
 However, the piece you refer to does not fit the 85-87 dash.  Consequently 
it will not fit your car.

To all you 83 Ur-q guys: I have the dash/gauge extension w/gauges.  Make me 
an offer.


Michael G. Wachholz
Marketing Communications Resources, Inc.
3700 Westmark Circle
Minnetonka, Minnesota 55345

vox 612.938.6511  fax 612.938.0707