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Broken Injector Sleve on A100 2.2.
In message <199703142239.WAA27747@richmond.premier.co.uk> Mike Walder writes:
> The problem is the sleve for injector 1 is broken, and I cannot remove it.
> I have tried with a 12mm hex socket, and have probably rounded it. Any
> ideas or past expreiences that might help?
Find a plumber.
(Seriously. Ever tried to undo a washbasin tap from below? Plumbers have an
amazing variety of gadgets for grabbing hold of cylindrical objects and
twisting. You probably need a Monument 413 810 Universal Basin Wrench - and
someone who knows how to use it. It's neither easy nor intuitive.)
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club