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Re: Timing Belts

> 	This got me thinking...Is my KX(2.2 liter I-5 10 valve N/A engine) in
> my '86 CGT an engine that will survive a timing belt mishap or not?

Probably.  I can say with certainty that the KX engine is
non-interference because I have turned mine by hand with the timing
belt removed, and it lived.

But Phil says the MB engine is also ok to turn by hand but will
self-destruct if the belt breaks at speed.  I say this because you
ought to worry.  Even if your engine is ok (and it most likely would
be), when the belt goes your car will suddenly die and you'll have to
get it towed to the nearest dealer (who will take all your money) or
local mechanic (who will most likely know nothing about those furrin
five-cylinder engines).  Better to do it now, on your own terms.

It's possible to do it yourself if you have a reasonably stocked
toolbox; I posted the writeup a few months ago.  I recommend you buy
the 2084 tool instead of using any of the tricks; it costs $65 but
pays for itself with one use.
['86 Coupe GT]