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Wheelcleaners (was Re: 87 Coupe GT Wheels)

At 09:52 PM 03/15/97 +0000, you wrote:
>I have the white wheels with the Audi logo on my 87 CoupeGT.  These 
>appear to be the only thing the owner didn't keep in showroom 
>Question: what are they made out of and what is the best product I 
>can use to clean them?  I've never had colored wheels before and am 
>afraid that I might damage the finish and/or color.  Product names 
>and where I can purchase them would be greatly appreciated.

As far as wheel cleaners go, I have been using a product called All Wheels.
It is made by Eagle One, and you can usually get it at any chain parts store
i.e. Pep Boys. It is in a black bottle, with orange lettering. This stuff is
not harsh at all, and works great.

Last winter, I was unable to clean my wheels frequently enough, and the
brake dust actually discolored/stained parts of the rims brown. I wasn't
sure how I was going to get the stuff off... I figured that it was
permanent. The wheel cleaner that I was using at the time (the green stuff
made by Westley's called Wheel Magic) didn't take it off (even after several
uses). I was browsing in Pep Boys one day, and decided to try the All
Wheels. It didn't take it off immediately, but did so gradually. One day I
noticed "hey, the brown stains are gone... hmmm... this is good stuff!!"

And it is not harsh like others that I have tried. Others that I've used
have hazed the clearcoat. This one doesn't. This one also claims to be the
ONLY one (amongst store-shelf brands I believe) recommended by most wheel mfgrs.

And it cost under $5 a bottle. Needless to say, I highly recommend it. Good
product at a good price. Hmm.... who says you still can't find a *value*
these days.

Of course, usual Disclaimers, and YMMV.

Oh, and FWIW, IMHO, don't try the product called Quicksilver. If you read
the back of the package, there are so many hazardous chemical warnings on
the back of it, I put it back on the shelf as quick as possible, fearing
that the bottle may be a leaker, and I'd have trouble bearing kids in the
future!! Yikes... this stuff is like ACID!! They must have made a special
bottle for that stuff... or there is a short shelf life on it... I would
almost bet that if you kept a bottle long enough, the stuff would eat
through the plastic!!

Apologies to anyone that uses it, but IMHO, if you have to wear Nomex or
Three-mile Island workclothes, gloves, and a respirator to use the stuff, it
is WAY too harsh for me to use on my wheels.

Good luck.

                             Jim Griffin
                        Maryland, USA
   "Perception is often stronger than reality!"
                               '92 100S