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Re: Wheelcleaners (was Re: 87 Coupe GT Wheels)

At 09:19 AM 03/16/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>Oh, and FWIW, IMHO, don't try the product called Quicksilver. If you read
>>the back of the package, there are so many hazardous chemical warnings on
>>the back of it, I put it back on the shelf as quick as possible, fearing
>>that the bottle may be a leaker, and I'd have trouble bearing kids in the
>Jim, we gotta get clear on this one.  It's the wife who bears the kids, not
>the father.  Almost certainly you won't have difficulty *bearing* kids.  Now
>siring them on the other hand...  :-)
>   Bob
>*  Robert L. Myers    rmyers@inetone.net      Home 304-574-2372 *

True... I stand corrected. But hey, one never knows with stuff like this...
if I used it, perhaps I would end up mutating and be one of the first males
to *bear* a child!! :-)

                             Jim Griffin
                        Maryland, USA
   "Perception is often stronger than reality!"
                               '92 100S