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April 5 "Old Timers Rally" Cape Cod

Hello all,

Here is some information on how you can see parts of Historic Cape Cod
and have fun to without having to worry about Time and Speed (TSD). The
only thing you need to keep aware of is the Rally starts @9AM and ends
at 5PM and that you will travel @130 miles.


New England Region of SCCA presents the "Old Timer's Rally" on Saturday, 
April 5, 1997.
The Old Timers rally is a shortest-distance Question & Answer rally. It 
starts at the International House of Pancakes on Route 132, Hyannis, MA. 
(Opposite the Cape Cod Mall.) Registration: 7 - 9am. Distance: approx 
130 miles. Finish: Christine's in Dennis. Entry: $25 per car. A special 
rate of $49.50 is available at Day's Inn, 508-771-6100.
Concept: Follow written instructions for an odometer check of approx 10 
miles in about 1/2 hour. The Odo check returns to the start, where rally 
officials record your mileage for calculating correction factors to 
equalize your car miles to your fellow competitors' for scoring. Rally 
officials then issue a map of Cape Cod and a list of questions 
answerable from landmarks on the Cape. Questions are worded so you can 
locate areas on the map where you will find the landmarks. Figure out 
from the map a route that will take you to all the landmarks to answer 
all the questions correctly in the shortest distance, by 5 pm, and you 
win! Simple, eh?
No average speeds to maintain, only one checkpoint to find at the end, 
and more than 2 people can be in the car. It's a fun spring day, 
exploring the Cape, discovering a little about it's history and roads, 
without the pressure of a TSD rally schedule.
This year's event is again Rallymastered by Prescott Bagley 
(508-385-9240), who knows great out-of-the-way places on the Cape!
Contact Janet Foley at 508-829-3348 for info or to pre-register.

Let me know how you made out and have fun.

Bob W. B>}
NEQ http://www.netaxis.com/~zcritter/director.html