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Lawyers, Guns, Money, and Honor

Hi Folks,

     I've been reading with some dismay all the rhetoric that has come out
of the "Gasoline Incident."

Because I am verbose, I'm going to throw in the following; as general rules
for lots of things, including nasty letters:
 Whatever you decide to do, act honorably and abide by your regular code of
conduct; then it will be the right thing for you.
 I would not, wave my rights to do as is warranted.  Just be smart.  What
one does, and how one reacts to others
 often comes down  to a question of what is honorable and what is not.
This, of course, is subjective in and of itself, but to thine own self be
     Bottom line is that you are OK, and all else is just details.
Let's put this in perspective...... my 2 cents is spent.

Paul Royal