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RE: Recent first-time Audi buyer after some info if possible. (England)

In message <c=GB%a=_%p=Quza%l=EXCHANGE01-970319085201Z-6352@exchange01.uk.quza.com> Ian Rawlings writes:

> Further to some questions asked via direct email, my engine number is
> KV044071, with an engine capacity of 2226 CC.

I don't recognise your STD code, so I don't know where you are.  But if you 
want to be surrounded by more quattro experts than you can shake a stick at, 
come along to the Hilton Hotel at Warwick on Sunday at 12:00.  It's the Annual 
General Meeting of the UK Audi quattro Owners Club.
They'll tell you much more than you want to know about the car.  Dialynx in 
Swindon, BTW, run a couple of Audi 90 quattros as customer courtesy cars.

I'll have the microfiche wtih me, so you'll ba able to judge how much 
Audi jargon (like "use the correct size of spanner") the documentation uses.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club