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RE: Recent first-time Audi buyer after some info if possible. (England)

In message <c=GB%a=_%p=Quza%l=EXCHANGE01-970319085040Z-6351@exchange01.uk.quza.com> Ian Rawlings writes:

> Phil, thanks for replying, I've got the engine number here, I'll post it
> to the list as well. It's KV044071, the engine CC is indeed 2226 CC.

OK.  I don't have the Audi documentation for that one - I have GV, WR,
MB and RR.

> I also asked Audi about their manuals, they said that it's full of
> references to Audi jargon and numbered procedures, so buying the manuals
> aren't enough as you have to get all the other books to tell you what
> the manuals are saying!

Absolutely.  Audi jargon like: "Hit gently with a medium soft-faced hammer"
and: "It is important to secure the hoses before loosening the retaining

Completely agree.

> There are apparently other manuals that cover my car, I wrote
> Volkswagen/Audi Car magazine and the Audi Club (pretty much the same
> thing it seems) and they mentioned the name of a set of manuals. I
> forgot to dig this out last night, I can get the name if you want?

They're probably refering to the Bentley series, which are Audi's
official workshop manuals for the USA.  Since they're basically a copy
of the official Audi documents, this invalidates their first argument.

They are, however, highly customised for the North American versions -
some wiring colours and practices are different.  Better than nothing,
but _very_ expensive.  Foyles in the Charing Cross Road stock them.

 Phil Payne

 Phone: +44 385302803  Fax: +44 1536723021  CIS: 100012,1660