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Removing lower B-pillar interior cover

There's one noise in my car that I have no patience with... the
*snap*/*crack* noise that comes from the lower B-pillar plastic trim when I
hit a small sharp bump. The trim piece in question is rubbing against the
trim piece above it and giving a very plasticky snap noise. I'm thinking
that I may be able to either remove the lower trim piece and silicone the
connecting tongue, or perhaps fashion some type of rubber "bumper" to
squelch this snitty little noise. Has anyone else with a late model 100/A6
experienced this noise and, subsequently, ridded yourself, and your Audi,
of it?

Sean Ford
Newton-Wellesley Hospital
Newton, MA  02162 (USA)
'92 Audi 100CS 5spd  17K miles (and counting!)
'89 Suzuki Katana 600 14K miles (and hibernating)