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5kCS/Q: Looking for looms ...

It turns out that my massive window malfunctions are due to the fact that 
the power window loom for the driver's door got massively pinched some 
time earlier in it's life ... I tried to buy the loom from a wrecking yard,
but it appears that the wiring loom that goes to the power windows is the
same one that goes to the ECU and engine ... and they do not want to cut 
one up for me.  

I wanted to see if there was anyone out there in qlist-land that happens 
to have an '87-'88 5kCS [doesn't need to be a quattro] hangar queen that
might have a loom that they are willing to hack up and part with.  Once 
again, I'm looking for the part of the loom that connects to the power 
window control panel in the driver's door.  I haven't dug into the under 
dash wiring too far to see how difficult it is to extricate, but I'm 
thinking that it would be great if the loom were cut such that the socket 
for the auto-down relay was included.  From my rough estimate this would 
give me the fewest number of splices to make, but my guestimate would be 
that it will be necessary to cut on the order of a dozen wires.  Of course 
I'd be looking for one where the part that flexes with the door hinge does
not appear to have been damaged.  

I'd also be interested to hear any suggestions from anyone that's exper-
ienced the same sort of problem.  I actually put the car back together 
after using crimp splices to reconnect them all [normally I use solder 
and heat shrink tubing; but when you've got two handfuls of broken wires 

I bought 10 feet of polyethylene spiral wrap at Radio Shaft for a couple 
of bucks.  I used some to protect the aneurysm now present in the existing 
loom, and when I get a chance I'm going to pull back the boot in the loom 
on the '88 as preventative medicine ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)